Show your art!
Get new friends and visitors!
We are the bigger and more complete palace hosting company, with our palacechat4 software, exclusive tools and scripts!
We can host your web site with your domain, We offer the needed tools to make the work easy (whm, cpanel, fantastico and a great SiteBuilder online).
Starting at $5.00 usd monthly!
Advanced web control panel,
Exclusive tools, scripts and plugins!
Basic web site space, ftp access.
All new Palaces gets our advanced Pchat4 pat file!.
Starting at $5.00 usd monthly!
Cpanel (whm for resellers),
Unlimited databases, emails, forwards.
Antispam, Antivirus, Antipishing
(install +200 scripts with a few clicks)
Site Builder! (5 steps to make your own web site).
Starting at $5.00 usd monthly!
Advanced web control panel (centova),
Plugins to add to your web site!
AutoDJ, You can choose between icecast and shoutcast v2.
If you want to have a web site, you need to have a domain address for it.
If you want to have your palace more personalized, is good to have your own domain address!.
We host in the past some different chat systems Manor and iPalaces, if you are interested to have one of them hosted contact us.
Chat Palace!
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Rooms: 336
Users Online: 59
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Palace Chat
Palacechat4 software web site.
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La calidad de servicio que nos ha brindado Elitepalaces nos mantiene convencidos indiscutiblemente de que son los mejores.
Je voudrais remercier toute l'équipe d'Elite Palace pour leur merveilleux travaille au fil des années...
If you want to see here your testimonial and a link to your palace, please send it by email to!
Si quieres ver tu testimonial aqui con un link a tu palace, envialo a por email!